When I was in Whistler time was at a bit of a premium and with the average day consisting of 5am alarm, 6am swim, 7.30am breakfast, boarding from 8:30 to 4:00 then treadmill session from 5:30 to 6:30, dinner out at 7:30 and bed at 9:30 I didn't find the time to post my training diary. Anyway, I'm making up for it now so here's weeks 6, 7 and 8 all in one go!
I'm really really pleased with how everything is going and feel that I am well ahead of this point last year. I'm swimming and running better than I ever have and with a little bit of bike focus over the next four week training block I should hit the 20 week to go point in the shape of my life. My only real concern at the moment is that I need to build all the way to July the 6th without blowing myself up in the process. The training stakes will be raised consistently week after week and with 24 to go I'll need to step up to the mark. I've also just noticed that I've pb'd my last ten races so must be doing something right!!
With little focus on swimming over these three weeks I've managed to maintain quality and reasonable volume. I felt great swimming in Whistler every morning and this week's 15 50s were done faster than ever, averaging 38 seconds. The tumble turns have taken a back seat and seeing as H is now tumbling for entire 5k sets I need to get my arse in gear! I'm still working on the 'power-on' technique which should give me some much needed speed once sorted. After 8 weeks my average weekly swim volume is somewhat down on my target of 15k although I won't be too concerned about that until the final 20 week push.
My cycling has had to take somewhat of a back seat over the last three weeks. Knowing that I wouldn't be able to ride in Whistler and would also have to hold back in week 8 leading up to the Brass Monkey I hit it hard in week 6, riding four times for a total of 175 miles. The next four weeks will have a significant bike focus so check back here soon ;)
The main focus this year is to build my run speed with the aim of going 3:25 in the Ironman marathon on July the 6th. Last year I very much adopted a maintenance schedule for this discipline and sacrificed run sessions for getting on the bike. It's now time to step up my game and I was therefore looking to go sub-80 for the first time over half marathon and sub 2:55 in the London marathon. Today was my chance to achieve the former and finishing in 80 minutes and two seconds I was pleased with the pb if a little annoyed to not dip under. With the last four weeks including five days at my mums, Christmas and ten days in Whistler it's great to be in the best run shape of my life. My Tuesday tempo runs are going very well and I'm starting to feel comfortable at 16kph. I could do with a little more speed but with only so many hours in a day and a target Ironman pace of 'only' 12.4kph it'll have to wait.
Week 6...
Week 7...
Week 8...
Sunday, 20 January 2008
Tom's training diary... weeks' 6, 7 & 8!
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Labels: Tom's Training Diary
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