Today we went to a race that I can honestly say I was GLAD to be watching - Tough Guy. We went to support our loony friends as they waded though mud and slurry, hauled themselves over cargo nets, jumped off planks, slid down hills and crawled though tunnels... and yes I know I've done it but not the WINTER one! I was cold enough doing the Summer one but the Winter one (and today was actually a mild day) is something else so well done to AKJ (see above picture giving it 'Leeds, Leeds, Leeds), Flaps, Sarge, Tony, Dean and Chris Brown, you're all MAD but hey... you're all TOUGH GUYS!!!
The fun of watching today took my mind of my stupid tendon which reared it's ugly head the morning after last weekends race. I think I spoke too soon after last weeks post. I finished the race thinking I had just got away with it as it was a little tender. Unfortunately I woke up on Monday morning and it was a very sore tendon :( so I whisked myself straight off to see Liz the physio. Liz as always was brilliant. It could be linked to my weak core rotation sending me a bit wonky through the hips thus affecting my stride so on Wednesday I have a session with Liz in the gym to see if I can work on this. Liz also spoke to a foot surgeon who said he thought he could help me if I went to see him.
I haven't missed a training session this week I've just swapped my running sessions for turbo sessions. I have now officially bonded with our garage, the spiders in it, the tumble dryer fluff, and the back of the garage door. If I don't ride like Lance Armstrong come the dawning of the triathlon season then I'll eat my hat (or my tendon.) Swimming is still going really well. Tom & are doing great varied sessions in which I'm getting a tiny bit faster all of the time. Even if I don't swim faster in Germany then I'm sure I'll be swimming more efficiently and so will have a bit more to give on the bike and the run so I'm really pleased with how things in the pool are going. No running at all this week. Back to smaller runs tomorrow or Tuesday, but a visit to the foot doctor has given me new hope. I'm going to see a podiatrist to see if orthotics will help take the pressure of the tendon while I run and allow it to heal. Thankfully the doctor said that stopping running wouldn't help it (he's my kind of Doctor!) I'm going to have another ultrasound to see if there have been any changes since my last one in November and possibly have a steroid injection. No more finger crossing -it clearly doesn't work- just a more conservative effort to assist it's healing and one in which the foot surgeon seemed positive about.
Enough about the stupid tendon though. Training is going very well and I'm looking forward to a season of great racing, the tendon thing is a small glitch sent from above to make me work harder on my bike!
Before I sign off I want to wish my Ironman mate Spaniel a very happy birthday. Tom & I had a great night sharing his surprise party in Warwick on Saturday night and it was lovely to meet Amanda his girlfriend ;)
Here's to another good week of training, night night.
H. x
P.s Our 28 day trial cutting out all food with any refined sugar in has been really easy... until Sam's birthday cake (chocolate birthday cake may I add) was sitting in front of our very eyes just waiting to be eaten. Of course we didn't have any but that was hard, especially chocolate cake. Still it's no good setting yourself a 28 day target and caving in on day 6!!! Actually apart from Sam's birthday cake I haven't craved sugary food and I do tend to snaffle around after meals looking for something sweet to eat so maybe there's something in this crazyness!?
Good habits result in resisting temptation. (Anon)
Sunday, 27 January 2008
Mud, sweat and tears...
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Orthotics all the way for me H, but I'd never have another cortizone injection unless it was a last resort. And I'm sick of the garage door too!
Good luck with it.
Cheers Ady I think I'l go with the orthotics and wait and see what effect it has before I do the injection thingy too, don't really like the idea of it to be honest. Was hoping to get out and ride on Wed but my god the weather's just getting bloody colder AGAIN, what's going on, I'd like to be on my bicycle outside, there's only so much turbo I can take!!
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