Only 16 minutes and 4 seconds to go.... over these last few weeks Helen and I have made a conscious effort to become a little more productive with our time and get a few more things done. Once the Vitruvian was out of the way it struck us both how many of the other aspects of our life that we'd neglected throughout the year. 'To-do' lists have become our best friends and for the first time in a long while we've actually done things like mowed the lawn and tidied the office. I even popped in to Paul Smith this afternoon and tried on a suit for our wedding!!
So here we are on Sunday night once again sat in front of our computers racking our brains for something interesting to write about... normally the blog takes us about 45 minutes to an hour but often I find myself 'writers blocking' my way comfortably through the hour and way past a sensible bedtime for someone who has to be up at 5am for 200 lengths of the pool. Neither of us really knew what we were going to write about tonight so in an effort to focus the mind a little gave ourselves a 20 minute limit from start to finish and in eight minutes and three seconds will be clicking on 'publish post' regardless of the state of play!
Rather than focus the mind however it seems to have turned this weekend's writing into one of those Mallet's mallet - mustn't pause, mustn't hesitate type games when in fear of a clonk on the head from a big rubber hammer your mind instantly empties of any meaningful information and an endless stream of blabber falls out instead. In fact I just spent about 45 valuable seconds looking for a picture of Timmy Mallet himself to adorn this post but with just over three minutes to go found myself panicking that I wouldn't actually finish what I started and would end up having to go to press mid-sentence!
Right, 2:38 left so time to say good-night and draw a line under probably my most meaningless blog in history. Next week normal play will resume where having spent the day cheering everyone on at the Ilkley Triathlon, which is organised by our tri club (Leeds & Bradford), I'll no doubt have motivational story a plenty to go on about ;)
30 seconds....
erm... well done to our good friend Ben G for breaking the hour in his 25 mile TT today.
Sunday, 21 September 2008
Speed blogging....
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