Wow what a week. When I wrote last weeks post I was sitting in a cafe late at night in Vancouver having just raced in the World Champs. It's now silly o' clock and we've just returned from UK 70.3 (1.9km swim, 56 mile bike, 13.1 mile run) held in Exmoor near Devon. Last weekend was all about me and my race so today although I raced today too the day truly belongs to Tom who raced so well he won his age-group!! I'm sure his race report will be a statiticians dream so I just want to say how amazing I think he's done and how selfless he is come race prep and day, and I truly couldn't do all of this without him. I was as proud as proud could be when he got up to take his trophy and cheque staking that 1st place in his age group in what I'm sure will be the first of many. There's talent in you boy and you work harder than anyone I know so there's still more in there. Watch out everyone there's a new boy on the block and he's got fire in his belly and he wants to take you all down!!!! x
So from Canada to Exmoor in three days, now that's what I call a whirlwind turn around. Throw in a week of hard training and a hard race while we were overseas and combine it with a transatlantic fight and then finish it with one of (if not THE) hardest Half Ironman races in the world and the result is two happy but very fatigued people. Today obviously wasn't an 'A' race but it was important. Our last hard training session and the perfect opportunity to practice race nutrition etc. What I hadn't expected was the weather to be cruel to us (AGAIN.)
I had gone into the race hoping to break 6hrs, which is a fairly big expectation. I'm pleased to say that I broke it comfortably in 5.46, roughly breaking up into a 31min swim, 3.26 bike and 1.42 run. It was a 6am start and the lake was cold (there's a surprise.) I swam okay, could have done with sat nav again after someone in front made a very odd U turn & I nearly ended up going with them. Thankfully I spotted that he was about to start swimming against the flow of people & unlike a Salmon I had no intention of swimming upstream so I got back on track and ploughed my way to the exit. The bike was very technical, quite hilly and had some harsh descents in them (as you know they aren't my forte!) and it was FREEZING cold. Vancouver was cold but it was only 24miles that I had to endure. Today my ride was 56miles and I knew I'd be out there for approx 3.5hrs. I seriously considered pulling out because I was convinced I wasn't far from being hypothermic. The descents made it even worse and it didn't help that it rained and hailed so hard my skin was bright red. My teeth were chattering and my legs were shaking, I couldn't wait for the hilly sections so I could generate some heat. Finally reaching T2 in one piece and not completely blue I got out onto the run with stumps for feet yet again. The run is a testing one, a half marathon that Yorkshire would be proud of as it's hills are long and mean and it's a three & a half lap course so you get the luxury of repeating it all every lap. Hills to drain your legs and down hills to mash your quads, the perfect combination to separate the men from the boys. I actually enjoy running off the bike as it's my only chance of reclaiming some of the places that I've lost in my weakest discipline - the bike and I loved the course. We had amazing support from our mates and they were at all of the crucial places which was brilliant. As usual Sammy (our very good friend) & I played cat and mouse. I got out the swim before him, he passed me later on the bike and I caught & passed him on the run. But one day boy I'm gonna actually learn how to bloody well ride that bike and you won't get past me, I just have to hope you don't find a cure for cramping on the run!!
17th girl overall, 4th in my age group (missed 3rd by 1min) and 156th out of approx 900. I'm happy with that and now my last hard session for Germany is over it's time to recover and get sharp for July 6th and I'm even happier with that!
Huge admiration for Sammy today who dug deeper than even he thought he could to not only break 6hrs (5.59) but also to be 228th getting him his much wanted finishers cap (only given to the top 250 finishers.) Brilliant Sam, just brilliant, you were fantastic out there and gave your all when you thought your all had gone. x
Great to see our mate Paul Larkins and his lovely wife Elaine, although Paul I can't tell you how secretly pleased I am that I managed to beat you on the run (something I never ever thought would be possible!!)
Daz you're a star, killing yourself on the course and never ceasing to amaze me at just how hard you push yourself.
And to our on course love givers, Manda & beautiful Maddi, Ozzer & Pauly P and Fiona & Simon from LBT... you make a huge difference being out there, it's appreciated more than you'll know, see you in Germany.
The Ironman journey is about to kick off, it's real, it's happening and Ozzer is setting the standard with Ironman France a week today, he's gonna be awesome, show us how it's done Ozzer, bring home the bling!
Night night.
H. x
Monday, 16 June 2008
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Well done, H... great result. Bet Germany can't come soon enough. J.x
Class race H. It's looking good for Germany.
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