If there was one image that sums up how you recover from an Ironman than this one is testimony to how it feels to have just finished!!!
I can't believe Austria was a mere two weeks ago, it feels like it could have been years ago. I'm still in my recovery period and I guess although I feel fine & dandy that my body is still dealing with the 11 hours and 57 minutes of constant exercise.
My training sessions have been light and relatively short and I've enjoyed the sessions for what they are, i.e recovery, as opposed to the last 20 weeks of focused and long endurance sets.
I've been back in the pool and clocked a few km's to keep my swimming ticking over and on Saturday I ran 11 miles to our open water swim session in Otley which I really enjoyed. Unfortunately the weather has stopped me getting out on my bike & I've had to make do with a couple of turbo sessions. Where has our Summer gone? And will we ever get one? I'm loathed to spend the rest of Summer & Winter on the turbo in the garage!
Tom & I did a 3hr turbo session together today & I loved it. My heart rate was normal today for the first time since Austria and I felt great.
Prior to my first run with Run Club on Tuesday I had felt tired & wasn't really looking forward to it as I thought my legs wouldn't behave. I'm so glad I went, it was a beautiful evening & I had some great chats with friends on the way round. A good social run was exactly what I needed to get my legs turning over & I love a good gossip! It's been great to see everyone at work & at the gym and to finally say...' hey, I'm an Ironman!'
So, week three of my recovery & I can start to pick up the speed a little. Hopefully on Wednesday I'll be able to make the Pool Triangle (a 20km time trial held every week by our local bike shop) and get myself back in the mix with the girls.
Once I'm fully recovered it's full steam ahead for The Vitruvian on September 8th which is more-or-less Half Ironman distance and I can't wait. I'm going to avoid caffeinated products at all costs (I think this is what upset my stomach in Austria) and hopefully keep my nutrition in my stomach where my body needs it, not on the pavement or in a Farmers Field!!!
Time to pack my bag for an early morning swim and another week of great training ;)
H. x
"Happy are those who dream dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them come true" LEON J. SUENES
Sunday, 22 July 2007
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Tom, great site. If only other members of the family (like me)could let you to some of the exercise for us, we could get into a aerobics-rading deal (like a carbon-trading deal). Dream on.
Take care
Know you and Tom are going to be in Hawaii. Will be dropping in on you to make sure you're in good shape along the way.
Train hard, stay happy.
Jevon x
Cheers Roy... it was actually Matt that got me in to all this when he took me to my first half marathon back in Jo'Burg!
Keep up the good work , Great site Kid .
Can't belive your both thinking of sneaking off to Hawaii , without your number one Fan .
Watch the Roads Sister .
Jonny x
Faascinating to read your stories. I joined LBT around a month ago & have completed Rossendale Sprint, Cleveland Short Course & am entered in the London Olympic next week. I'm 40 next year & after speaking to my Head Teacher on Monday (I'm a Head of PE in Leeds) he's given me a long weekend off next July to compete in Ironman Switzerland. I'm absolutely thrilled & it'll be great reading your blog over the next year. Having played team sports all my life, it's strange how I feel more excited by this adventure than others in the past.
The very best of luck with your training over the next 12 months. I'm sure you'll be successful in your goal.
Jonny.... if (big if) we were to qualify there'd be no sneaking going on... wouldn't want to go without your brilliant support!!
Martin... Glad you enjoyed the posts so far. Sounds like you also have a challenging 12 months ahead of you. Switzerland is an AMAZING race on a brilliant course. I did Switzerland this year so drop me a line on the forum if you'd like some 'inside info'. Good luck in London,
Tom and H what a great blog. You have motivation and drive by the truck load. It's infectious. EK and I just thrive on it. I know you kids will be flying out to the big island next Oct. You guys have inspired me to go long again after such amazing performances this season. Roll on IMNZ. Oh and Antwerp next weekend;-)
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