With two weeks to go before my last race of the season (The Vitruvian) I'm sitting typing this blog feeling as far removed from athleticism as is possible! On one hand that's good, it's keeping me 'real' on the other hand it's hideous. I've talked a lot in past blogs about my desire to discover this enigma that is 'moderation'. If I could pop into Sainsbury's and find it nestled between the chocolate and the vegetables I'd snatch it off the shelf. But I only do extreme... and very well. That's what happens with my 'all or nothing' personality.
I mentioned last week that I was enjoying my relaxed approach to training and to eating and that's true. However, with two weeks to go before the middle distance race and the desire to eat cake being higher than the desire to get out of the door I could be heading for a train smash. Honestly? I think I'm tired. Physically and mentally tired. It's been a long season for me and the first time I've taken on two Ironman events in the same year. I'm not so fatigued though that I'm a wreck and I know that because I've pb'd (way beyond what I ever thought I was capable of) in our weekly 20km time trial. But I've switched off, that's the top and bottom of it. I've switched on the chocolate and cake button and switched off the focused training button!! And the issue isn't actually the cake or the lack of focus, the issue is... I no longer feel like me. Choosing an apple over chocolate and a swim session over a late night is who I am and that's why I feel a bit hideous.
Give myself a break I hear you say in your heads as you read my ramblings. Having a rest is good, eating crap for a while is good, being relaxed is good. Yes, yes & yes I completely agree. But not if it makes you feel crap and I've just reached saturation level.
Life it seems has to be a balancing act and I've just tipped myself over the edge. Time to re-group and pull in the reins. So that's where I am right now, Sunday 23rd August 2009... sick of eating crap, getting to bed late and ditching sessions due to getting to bed late. I understand the need for a good rest and the second I cross the line after The Vit that's exactly what I'll do. I also won't be trying to cram in missed training sessions between now and then. The race will be what I'm capable of on the day. In the meantime I'll be re-visiting my old self. Getting to bed early and eating the fruit and veg that I really do love. All or nothing, I tell you it's got a lot to answer for! Anyone got a spare moderation button they could pop in the post???
Anyway, enough of that. This weekend was the National Team Relays and it's such a great event. Our club Leeds & Bradford have got an awesome community with such great people and we always make a full day of it. Two huge tents, the BBQ on the go all day, the fun of racing, comparing times, screaming on team mates and generally catching up with club members from all over the country, it's just brilliant. And as the sun started to fade on what had been a beautifully hot day the last lone runner left on the course (see above pic) made his way past our tent and so we all stopped what we were doing to cheer him in.. that's what the Relay's are all about to me. Performance in time?... not important. Doing your best for your team?... Brilliant :) Funny how you can hurt so much more when you know it's not just for yourself!
We topped the weekend off by traveling to our mate Sam's in Leamington Spa and going out for a 3hr easy ride in the Cotswolds. Three hours of chilled out chat with Sam and his mate Dom followed by a pub lunch before hitting the motorway, perfick :)
The clock is about to strike ten and I'm going to sign off and get myself into bed. Tomorrow is a new day. It won't have any cake in it and only light training but tomorrow I can start getting back to being me, wuhoo!!!
Pix of the day are still going well and now I've gone over to Facebook and Twitter it's making life a lot easier to upload them :) I'm already thinking about what I'll do when the 365 days are up on the 2nd Feb 2010 and it's doing wonders for tapping into my creative side, marvellous.
H. x
"If one oversteps the bounds of moderation, the greatest pleasures cease to please." Epictetus
P.s If anyone has a drop of moderation they could share with me that would be wonderful...
Sunday, 23 August 2009
Last man standing...
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Oh my God Helen, you are like my twin sister as far as cake eating and switching the training button off is concerned. I should be cheering at the Vit and hope we get to meet. :))
No moderation to offer here.
Know exactly what you mean about not feeling right when I allow myself treats. My week of indulgence after IMUK was fun in a way, but I just didn't feel in control and that was uncomfortable! Much happier to be back on the paleo route again.
Even happier to have started back to training now. A good 8 hours sleep last night, up early and 2.5 hours training done before 10. That's how it's supposed to be!
Good luck for the Vit, I'm sure you'll smash it!
ADC, it would be great to meet you at The Vit :) two days gone and no cake eating occurring... god it's hard!!
Russ, that not in control feeling is just the worst isn't it, I'd love to know where it all stems from? I'd even give paleo a try if I wasn't a veggie :( Don't know about smashing The Vit after poor inconsistent training but it'll be the end of my season so I'd like to do it as best I can :)
Can't wait to watch you all in Kona :) :) Happy Training x
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